Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July 1, 2014 The Chicks Move In!

The chicks were rapidly outgrowing their crate and their coop kit just happened to arrive on the same day, so we decided to build this last night and move them in without delay.  We love the coop so far!  We found it on mypetchicken.com...
This is just the coop part.  A cool run is included with the kit, but we can't build it until we move this bad boy outside in another 3 - 5 weeks.  (We have the roof open in this pic, in case you were wondering.)
The girls were petrified at first, but immediately relaxed when I popped my big head in through their front door.  Then, it was back to business as usual, and by business I mean eating, pooping, and kicking pine shavings everywhere.
So much more room for them in here!
The floor is a shiny metal, and they go crazy over shiny stuff...
This is a view inside from the window at the top.  They were huddled in the only spot of light that was coming in.  I think they were a little worried about their new home. 

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