Sunday, June 29, 2014

June 28, 2014

Pics of the girls from yesterday...

 We had to move "towel time" to the floor after we had a poop incident on our bed.

 Check out the gams on Molly.  Chris calls her Big Foot.

 Penny, checking me out.  All three girls are very suspicious of the camera, but especially Penny.

 Pecking and pooping.


 We noticed their butt feathers are getting longer, so I tried to get a lot of shots of those.

 But also, their butts are super cute, so I probably would have taken the pics regardless.

Gossip at the water cooler.

I had hoped to take a pic of them from the same angle at the feeding dish every day, so it would be easier to gauge their growth, but I realized last night that I need to let go of that dream.

Other things we observed of them yesterday...

Pine shavings might not be the best material to use at the bottom of their crate.  It's constantly in their food and water.

Chickens do not avoid stepping in their own poop.  Not even a little bit.

Chris is concerned that Molly is actually a rooster because she seems more aggressive than the others.  I remain hopeful that it is just because she is the oldest of the flock.  

Bonnie's wings have gotten longer in the last few days and now reach to the end of her body.  She's also sprouting some feathers across her shoulders.  

Penny definitely seems to be the smartest in the bunch.

Friday, June 27, 2014

June 26, 2014

Penny, Bonnie and Molly on June 26, 2014
Here were the girls last night...  Eating, again.  Well, they have a lot of growing to do in the next few months so it makes sense.  The night before last we invented something really great for the girls.  It's a chance for them to stretch their legs and wings, get stimulated, explore and forage...  We call it, "towel time".

As you can see, the concept is quite simple.  An ordinary towel is laid out on the bed (to catch their many poops) and the chicks are placed on top.  At first they just stand there, confused, but within moments the fun begins.  Here you see Penny, discontent to simply forage for crumbles like her sisters.  She is on her way to explore new, unchartered territory.

 Pecking at the crumbles we've sprinkled out for them.  Notice Penny in the background now going off to explore in the other direction.
 Chris sprinkles out more crumbles for the chicks.  Pecking and scratching ensue.

June 24, 2014

 Bonnie, Molly and Penny on June 24, 2014, the night we brought them home.
So, after talking about getting chickens for a few years, Chris and I finally took the plunge on June 24, 2014.  I found these sweetie pies at Bradshaw Feed & Pet Supply in Sacramento, and snatched them right up and brought them home.  It was difficult to choose between all of the great breeds, but we ended up choosing an Ameraucana (Molly), New Hampshire Red (Penny) and Light Brahma (Bonnie).  As you can see from the photo above, Bonnie is the youngest, with the fewest amount of feathers.  Below are a few more photos from that night.

Here's Penny scoping me out on the drive home from Bradshaw Feed & Pet Supply.  So far, we've noticed she is the most alert and the most curious.

Chris and Bonnie immediately fell in love with each other.  Here's Bonnie taking a snooze on Chris' chest.

 Here's Molly and Penny with Adam.